Without going into cycling 101 and rules of the road since most of us who do ride know you can do all the right things and still be at risk for road rash. SailTrim would like to stress a few things to those who have experienced a cycling accident or similar incident and how to get on the road of recovery quickly.
For starters, the shoulders as I have discussed in past newsletters are the most mobile and therefore unstable joint in the body. It is the most susceptible to injury, however; if addressed after an incident, is capable of sound recovery. The same is true for most joints in the body. What most folks seem to miss is the importance of caring for an injury sooner rather than later. Furthermore, taking the initiative to seek medical attention to assess level of injury.
Here is a quick refresher as we head into a week of heavy sailing:
- Ice and elevation in a timely manner can have a positive in pact on joint injuries. The sooner you can apply ice and elevate; the impact of inflammation and swelling on the joint itself will be minimized.
- Gentle compressions and rest post incident will support circulation to the region (joints do not have the best blood supply compared to muscle tissue and therefore do not have the best outward flow of intra and extra cellular waste material).
- Do not ignore the pain! The pain sensation is your body telling you chill out! The "no pain no gain" theory does not work in your favor here. Listen to your body, address it's needs and you will be sailing for many years to come.
None of this is rocket science; I am sure you've heard it before, however; gentle reminders never hurt and since it is my mission to keep you all sailing . . .enough said. So here's an idea(if not already employed): shore managers can add ice packs to their kits for the untimely event of an injury and addressing it as soon as possible (you can get the disposable ice packets and have at least one in the boat's first aid kit . . . just a thought).
For those of you at Miami Race week and in the case of an untimely injury; I can be found mucking around the floating dock (Team Kiazen) or Pier F ~ the curly haired gal with white sunglasses. Please do not hesitate to stop me; I am glad to help out any race participants this week.
Fair Winds ~ Jenn
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